Moody Center ATX Tickets

Moody Center ATX is a fantastic venue located in Austin, United States. You can currently browse tickets for 23 upcoming events at Moody Center ATX - up next will be Goose Austin on December 30, 2024. Snap up Moody Center ATX tickets through SeatPick today!

Upcoming events at Moody Center ATX, Austin

Buy tickets to Moody Center ATX from safe & secured marketplaces with 100% ticket guarantee.

Frequently Asked Questions about Moody Center ATX tickets

Where is Moody Center ATX?

The Moody Center ATX address is 2001 Robert Dedman Dr, TX 78712, Austin, United States.

When is the next event at Moody Center ATX?

The next event at Moody Center ATX will be Goose Austin on December 30, 2024. At SeatPick, we've got tickets starting from $153.

What is the capacity of Moody Center ATX?

Moody Center ATX holds a maximum capacity of 16,223 fans.

When was Moody Center ATX built?

Moody Center ATX was built in 2022.

How to buy Moody Center ATX tickets?

SeatPick is the perfect place to search and buy Moody Center ATX tickets. These simple steps are all it takes:

  1. Scroll up and select the Moody Center ATX event you wish to attend.
  2. Decide how many tickets you’re looking for before browsing all our listings that we've gathered from a range of trusted providers. Sort the options by price or use our powerful filters to narrow down on a specific section within the venue.
  3. Once you’ve found a ticket that meets your needs, continue to checkout to finalise your purchase.

SeatPick is currently presenting 54,995 Moody Center ATX tickets across 23 events.

What time do doors open at Moody Center ATX?

The Moody Center ATX doors open 2-3 hours before the main act is due on stage. However, we recommend confirming the opening times for your specific concert.

How much are Moody Center ATX tickets?

The event you're attending and your seat choice are primary factors that affect Moody Center ATX ticket prices. Currently, our most affordable tickets are for Goose Austin on December 31, 2024, with prices kicking off at $36. The average cost for all of our listings at Moody Center ATX is exactly $210.

How far is the Moody Center ATX from Austin’s city center?

You can find the direction to the Moody Center ATX here, if you are traveling to the event on event day, make sure to plan ahead and time your arrival to the Moody Center ATX, as traffic to the venue can be anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours.

Moody Center ATX Details:

  • Capacity: 16,223

  • Built: 2022

  • Address: 2001 Robert Dedman Dr, TX 78712

  • City: Austin

  • Country: United States

  • Map: Moody Center ATX Map

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