Rudolf Weber-Arena Tickets

Rudolf Weber-Arena is a special venue which draws many fans to Oberhausen, Germany. Currently, it's possible to browse tickets for 30 upcoming events at Rudolf Weber-Arena on our platform - up next will be The Australian Pink Floyd Show Oberhausen on February 23, 2025. Book your Rudolf Weber-Arena tickets with ease on SeatPick today!

Upcoming events at Rudolf Weber-Arena, Oberhausen

Buy tickets to Rudolf Weber-Arena from safe & secured marketplaces with 100% ticket guarantee.

Frequently Asked Questions about Rudolf Weber-Arena tickets

Where is Rudolf Weber-Arena?

The Rudolf Weber-Arena address is 1 Arenastraße, 46047, Oberhausen, Germany.

When was Rudolf Weber-Arena built?

Rudolf Weber-Arena was built in 1996.

What is the capacity of Rudolf Weber-Arena?

Rudolf Weber-Arena holds a maximum capacity of 13,000 fans.

When is the next event at Rudolf Weber-Arena?

The next event taking place at Rudolf Weber-Arena will be The Australian Pink Floyd Show Oberhausen on February 23, 2025.

How to buy Rudolf Weber-Arena tickets?

SeatPick is the perfect place to search and buy Rudolf Weber-Arena tickets. Follow these simple instructions:

  1. Scroll up and select the Rudolf Weber-Arena event you wish to attend.
  2. Decide how many tickets you’re looking for before browsing all our listings that we've gathered from a range of trusted providers. Sort the options by price or use our powerful filters to narrow down on a specific section within the venue.
  3. Once you’ve found a ticket that meets your needs, continue to checkout to finalise your purchase.

On SeatPick today, we're proud to present a grand total of 2,261 Rudolf Weber-Arena tickets across 30 events.

How much are Rudolf Weber-Arena tickets?

Your choice of event and seat location are crucial factors in the price of Rudolf Weber-Arena tickets. Currently, the cheapest tickets available are for André Rieu Oberhausen on November 1, 2025, with prices starting from $86. Meanwhile, $385 is the average ticket price for all our Rudolf Weber-Arena listings on SeatPick.

What time do doors open at Rudolf Weber-Arena?

The doors open about two to three hours prior to the main act. However, it's recommended to verify the time for your particular concert.

How far is the Rudolf Weber-Arena from Oberhausen’s city center?

You can find the direction to the Rudolf Weber-Arena here, if you are traveling to the event on event day, make sure to plan ahead and time your arrival to the Rudolf Weber-Arena, as traffic to the venue can be anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours.

Rudolf Weber-Arena Details: