Zenith Arena Lille Tickets

Zenith Arena Lille is an amazing venue situated in Lille, France. Currently, it's possible to browse tickets for nine upcoming events at Zenith Arena Lille on our platform - up next will be Clara Luciani on January 28, 2025. Book your Zenith Arena Lille tickets with ease on SeatPick today!

Upcoming events at Zenith Arena Lille, Lille

Buy tickets to Zenith Arena Lille from safe & secured marketplaces with 100% ticket guarantee.

Frequently Asked Questions about Zenith Arena Lille tickets

Where is Zenith Arena Lille?

The Zenith Arena Lille address is 1 Boulevard des Cités Unies, 59800, Lille, France.

When was Zenith Arena Lille built?

Zenith Arena Lille was built in 1994.

How to buy Zenith Arena Lille tickets?

SeatPick serves as the perfect destination for securing Zenith Arena Lille tickets. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Select the Zenith Arena Lille event you wish to attend from the top of this page.
  2. Decide on the quantity of tickets you need and then you'll have access to all the ticket options we've gathered from various trustworthy providers. The listings can be sorted by price or you can use our filters to find seats in a specific section of the venue.
  3. Once you've found a suitable ticket, enter your details during the checkout process to finalise your booking.

When is the next event at Zenith Arena Lille?

The next event at Zenith Arena Lille will be Clara Luciani on January 28, 2025.

How far is the Zenith Arena Lille from Lille’s city center?

You can find the direction to the Zenith Arena Lille here, if you are traveling to the event on event day, make sure to plan ahead and time your arrival to the Zenith Arena Lille, as traffic to the venue can be anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours.

Zenith Arena Lille Details:

  • Capacity: 7,000

  • Built: 1994

  • Address: 1 Boulevard des Cités Unies, 59800

  • City: Lille

  • Country: France

  • Map: Zenith Arena Lille Map

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