Friends Arena Tickets

Friends Arena is a special venue which draws many fans to Stockholm, Sweden. There will be four events at Friends Arena - up next is Sweden vs Northern Ireland on March 25, 2025. Get your Friends Arena tickets today via SeatPick!

Upcoming events at Friends Arena, Stockholm

Buy tickets to Friends Arena from safe & secured marketplaces with 100% ticket guarantee.

Frequently Asked Questions about Friends Arena tickets

Where is Friends Arena?

The Friends Arena address is Rasta Strandvag 1, 169 56, Stockholm, Sweden.

When was Friends Arena built?

Friends Arena was built in 1922.

When is the next event at Friends Arena?

The next event at Friends Arena will be Sweden vs Northern Ireland on March 25, 2025.

How much are Friends Arena tickets?

Your choice of event and seat location are crucial factors in the price of Friends Arena tickets. Today, our cheapest tickets are for Guns N Roses Stockholm on July 4, 2025, with prices starting from $83. The average ticket price of all our Friends Arena listings is $6,130.

How to buy Friends Arena tickets?

SeatPick is your ultimate destination to grab Friends Arena tickets with ease. With a few simple steps, you can secure your seat:

  1. Select the Friends Arena event you wish to attend from the top of this page.
  2. Decide on the quantity of tickets you need and then you'll have access to all the ticket options we've gathered from various trustworthy providers. The listings can be sorted by price or you can use our filters to find seats in a specific section of the venue.
  3. Once you've found a suitable ticket, enter your details during the checkout process to finalise your booking.

SeatPick currently has 1,104 Friends Arena tickets for you to choose from across four events.

What time do doors open at Friends Arena?

Expect doors to open at least two or three hours before the main act takes to the stage. Nonetheless, it's always advisable to confirm the timetable for your particular show.

How far is the Friends Arena from Stockholm’s city center?

You can find the direction to the Friends Arena here, if you are traveling to the event on event day, make sure to plan ahead and time your arrival to the Friends Arena, as traffic to the venue can be anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours.

Friends Arena Details: