Below you can find how the cost of Cruz Azul tickets fluctuates during the season for each event. Cruz Azul ticket prices can vary greatly based on many factors such as the day of the week, the opponent team and supply and demand. For the 2024/25 season, the current average Cruz Azul ticket price is $153.
Event | Low | Avg | Price Trend |
Club America vs Cruz Azul | $95 | $163 | |
Cruz Azul vs Pumas | $153 | $153 | |
Cruz Azul vs Club Leon | $153 | $153 | |
Toluca vs Cruz Azul | $116 | $116 |
Cruz Azul will visit the following cities and venues in the 2024/2025 season. Scroll up to see the full Cruz Azul schedule and select your event to search and buy Cruz Azul tickets.
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