Father John Misty

Father John Misty Tickets

Browse our inventory of Father John Misty tickets below. You'll find options for 17 upcoming events on our platform - up next will be Father John Misty with Destroyer on February 28, 2025. Snap up Father John Misty tickets on SeatPick today!

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Father John Misty Tour Dates

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Frequently Asked Questions about Father John Misty tickets

How to buy Father John Misty tickets?

Securing Father John Misty 2025 tickets is a breeze with SeatPick. Just follow these steps to guarantee your spot:

  1. View Father John Misty concert tickets by going to the top of the page and choosing a specific event from the list of future Father John Misty tour dates.
  2. On the event page, you can select how many tickets you need before browsing all the listings, using our filters to sort them by 'price' or 'best deal'. Every ticket on our website has been sourced from reputable sellers who pledge a money-back guarantee of 100% or more.
  3. Once you've found your ideal seat, proceed to checkout to buy your tickets.

The total sum of 1,208 Father John Misty tickets are available today on SeatPick, with prices kicking off at $38. Our platform is stocked with tickets for 17 fast-approaching events. Claim your ticket to see Father John Misty live with SeatPick.

How much are Father John Misty tickets?

You'll notice differences in Father John Misty resale ticket prices depending on which city you choose and where you wish to sit. General admission tickets tend to cost less, although there are plenty of exceptions.

Here on SeatPick today, take your pick from Father John Misty tickets starting as low as $38. Meanwhile, the average ticket price is currently $129.

When do Father John Misty tickets go on sale?

Ordinarily, fans can buy Father John Misty tickets at least four months before the tour kicks off. Stay alert for information on Father John Misty presale tickets to get your ticket before they are officially sold.

Currently, SeatPick is proud to present 1,208 tickets to witness Father John Misty live. The next show - Father John Misty with Destroyer - will be hosted by Fillmore Philadelphia on February 28, 2025. Today, you can choose from 58 tickets for this event on our platform.

How to get cheap Father John Misty tickets?

If you're a fan seeking cheap Father John Misty tickets, SeatPick is your ultimate destination. By comparing options from a variety of reliable providers, we're able to bring you the most competitively priced Father John Misty concert tickets.

As per our live ticket data, Father John Misty Brussels is the cheapest event on our platform, with prices kicking off at $38. It's set to go ahead at Ancienne Belgique (AB) in Brussels on April 9, 2025. The most affordable tickets are to be found in the General Admission Zone.

Is it safe to buy Father John Misty tickets on SeatPick?

Absolutely, yes. SeatPick is a dedicated platform for comparing ticket options, only presenting Father John Misty tickets from responsible sellers who have been carefully vetted by us. All Father John Misty concert tickets on SeatPick come with a 100% money-back guarantee or more.

When is the next Father John Misty concert?

Father John Misty will next perform at Fillmore Philadelphia in Philadelphia, United States on February 28, 2025. Secure your Father John Misty with Destroyer tickets with just a few clicks on our platform. Tickets for this particular show are priced between $99 and $978 on SeatPick.

Concert Tickets by Genre

Performing At

Father John Misty will be performing at these cities and venues in the upcoming Father John Misty 2025 tour: